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Meniscal Surgery

Home 9 Knee Procedures 9 Meniscal Surgery

Meniscal Surgery Sydney


The meniscus is a shock absorber of sorts – and is torn quite easily – especially during squatting or twisting motions during sports like netball, soccer and football.

The symptoms of a meniscal tear include:

  • Pain especially when twisting or rotating the knee
  • Stiffness
  • Swelling
  • Catching
  • Locking
  • A popping sensation
  • Altered range of motion
  • Difficulty straightening the knee fully

Initial treatment is rest, ice, crutches, elevation  and avoiding weight bearing activities.

The good news is that surgery, when required is generally very successful and can be done as a day procedure in hospital.

Torn Meniscus Surgery

If initial treatment for your meniscal tear does not change the symptoms within one month then surgery may need to occur.

We recommend getting a referral from your local GP to AProf Nigel Hope so that we can discuss the options.

There is nothing worse than leaving a torn meniscal fragment in your knee which will cause ongoing pain and wear out the joint surface.